
Hello, Bonjour, 你好!

Welcome to the Franklin Street Globetrotters world tour. As we travel the world, we'll document our adventures in travel, food, fun and learning. 

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A New Appreciation for Art

A New Appreciation for Art

Before this trip, I thought that art was a waste of time. When I thought about art, images of boring, plain paintings and sculptures came to mind. Over the course of this trip so far though, I’ve begun appreciating art a lot more.

I couldn’t appreciate the beauty of still art and at a basic level, I didn’t understand why it existed. If viewing or making art was in the day’s plan, I would try to avoid it at all costs or go with a generally bad attitude. I realize that some of my dislike for art came from the fact that I didn’t think I was good at art. I have never had great motor skills or have seen myself as a great artist.

On this trip, though, I have really gotten interested in photography and I’m actually getting pretty good at it. Photography has been a great way for me to express myself without spending hours trying to acquire better motor skills. In photographing the beautiful places we are traveling to, I am developing a greater appreciation for artistry.

In order to be a photographer, I constantly have to think about how I am viewing something and the best way to present it to someone else. It is like a painter would have to think of his presentation. The image is there for me, ready to take, but I have to find an interesting angle. I then edit the photos, which for me is the equivalent of an artist critiquing his painting and changing a small aspect of the work. Sometimes to make the picture more interesting, I like to add more clarity, fuzziness, or color. Basically, for me, photography is really about capturing the moment and the feelings of that moment in a beautiful, artistic way.

What I am realizing is that there are still some types of art that I don’t like, but what has changed is how I “define” and classify art. My definition of art has expanded to include music, street art, movies, photography, poetry, and multiple other things that I enjoy on a daily basis. So now, if my parents suggest viewing art, it doesn’t mean that I won’t get bored, but at least I can keep an open mind!

This was one of my favorite photographs from Panama. It was my mom’s favorite building!

This was one of my favorite photographs from Panama. It was my mom’s favorite building!

This photograph was from Bocas Del Toro in Panama. I liked editing the sunset colors. I also upped my editing game with the cover photo out of the plane widow between Colombia and Ecuador.

This photograph was from Bocas Del Toro in Panama. I liked editing the sunset colors. I also upped my editing game with the cover photo out of the plane widow between Colombia and Ecuador.

Here is a cool photograph of street art in Cartagena, Colombia from Getsemani neighborhood.

Here is a cool photograph of street art in Cartagena, Colombia from Getsemani neighborhood.

Tasting Real Fear

Tasting Real Fear

Human Footprints, the Disparity of Privilege, and the Acclimation of our Children

Human Footprints, the Disparity of Privilege, and the Acclimation of our Children